Products Assessments and Quizzes

Product assessments and quizzes can be a great way to check the progress of your members’ progress as they work through your course. 

Creating and Assessment

Follow along to learn how to create and manage Build Your Product Assessments.

Step 1: Choose the Product

  • To create an assessment for your Members, Navigate to Build Your Product > Courses >  Products. (You will need to have a product already created to add an assessment). 

  • Select the Product you would like to add an assessment to. 
  • Next to the title of the Section, click the plus sign and Select “Add Assessment”.

Step 2: Create Assessment

  • Add to the Assessment a Title, select assignment in type, and click Save.

  • Click on the assessment and you will see where to add instructions, upload a template, or another doc they can use, and the confirmation message. They will see this message when the document has been submitted. 

Step 3: Publish the Assessment to Make it Live

  • Once ready turn to publish mode and save

  • You can preview the assignment now

Creating a Quiz

Follow along to learn how to create and manage Product Assessments.

Step 1: Choose the Product

  • To create a quiz for your Members, Navigate to Build Your Product > Courses >  Products. 

  • Select the Product you would like to add an assessment to. 
  • Next to the title of the Section, click the plus sign and Select “Add Assessment”.

Step 2: Create the Quiz

  • Add to the Assessment a Title, select quiz in type, and click Save.

  • Give your quiz a title, and add a pass confirmation message and a fail message. You can also turn on the option to require a passing grade

  • At the bottom, you can see where to add your questions, and they can be multiple-choice or a single question.

  • After making all the changes, you can publish and save

  • You can also preview your quiz 

What happens when someone submits an assessment?

When an individual completes an assessment that requires a passing score, their results are immediately displayed, indicating which answers were right and which were wrong. However, the correct answers themselves are not revealed unless the assessment does not have a passing grade requirement.

In cases where no passing grade is specified, the correct answer for each question is shown along with any explanations provided for why this option is correct or why other options are incorrect.

If a participant attempts the quiz again using the same login credentials from the course, they will see their most recent score and have the opportunity to retake the quiz.

By selecting the Review button for their last attempt, participants can view their previous responses, identifying which were correct and which were not.

Assessments Analytics:

To examine the performance of each person who took your assessment, navigate to Product > Analytics. From there, select Assessments to access data on all submissions across your assessments.

To focus on assessments from a particular product, use the dropdown menu next to Products located at the top right to filter the analytics. Additionally, you have the option to filter the analytics by Results to refine your data review further.

For a detailed view of an individual's submission, including their specific answers, simply click on the eye icon adjacent to their submission entry.

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