Using the Social Planner Social Media Tool

The CRM has integrated a powerful Image Editor into its Social Media Planner, offering a suite of editing tools that enhance the visual quality of your posts.

Enhanced Visual Appeal

The Image Editor allows for significant enhancements in the visual aspects of an image. Users can adjust various parameters such as brightness, contrast, saturation, and color balance. This functionality is crucial for making photos vibrant and eye-catching, which is especially important in a medium where visuals are the first point of contact with the audience.

Correction of Imperfections

One of the critical features of the Image Editor is its ability to correct imperfections. Red-eye, blemishes, scratches, and other common issues can be easily fixed, ensuring your images look their best. This is particularly useful in portrait photography or when restoring old photos.

Creative Freedom

For those looking to add a unique touch to their images, the Image Editor offers a wide range of creative tools, including filters and effects. These features allow users to experiment with different styles and artistic expressions, thereby creating truly unique images that stand out on social media.

Cropping and Resizing

The Image Editor also provides the ability to crop and resize images. This is crucial when creating content for various platforms, as each has its specific dimension requirements. Whether it's for social media, websites, or print materials, the Image Editor ensures that your images are perfectly tailored to the medium.

Advanced Features for Professionals

For professionals who require more advanced features, the CRM’s Image Editor doesn’t disappoint. It offers tools akin to those found in high-end software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, including advanced retouching and color grading. These capabilities are invaluable for photographers, designers, and artists who use CRM for their social media management.

How to Use the Image Editor

Getting Started

To begin editing an image:

  • Go to 'Marketing > Social Planner'.
  • Create a new post using the post composer.
  • Upload an image and hover over it to access the editing options.

Editing Options

Once in the editing mode, users can:

  • Crop the Image: Adjust to various presets like square, landscape, portrait, or custom sizes for different social media platforms.

  • Apply Filters: Choose from options like black and white, duotone, or vintage to give a unique feel to your images.

  • Adjust Visual Settings: Fine-tune brightness, contrast, color saturation, or even apply a blur effect.

Future Enhancements

The Image Editor is poised for future enhancements, such as:

  • AI-Driven Editing: Simplifying the editing process with AI recommendations.
  • Text Support: The ability to add custom text to images, expanding creative possibilities.
  • Stickers and Emojis: Further personalization of images with a variety of stickers and emojis.

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