Creating your First Mastermind

To begin, inside your Mastermind account, locate the Brand Builder tab on the list of tabs on the left side, click on the Create & Launch button then go to My Created Products. Next, click on the Create New Product button.

From here, it will ask you to begin entering information -- this is where you will start to Create Your Product.

  1. Title - This will be the title of your program/Mastermind course, as well as being the very first thing people will see when they visit your order page.

  2. Short Power Statement - This statement will sit right below your title. This box is asking: If you could describe your program in a short, yet powerful blurb, what would it be?

  3. Sales Copy - This box is to inform your potential students of everything your program/Mastermind course has to offer. Click here for a "Starter Template" you can use.

  4. Disclosure - *NOTE*: You only need a disclosure when you make a claim or share potential results - learn more here. Maximum of 400 characters.

Media Section

  1. Product Thumbnail Image - This allows you to add an image for the Mastermind listing.

  2. Trailer Video (optional) - If you would like to provide a promotional trailer, you can upload one here. (Click below to Learn More).

  3. Trailer Cover Image (optional) - This allows you to set an image as a placeholder for your Trailer video.

    ***IMPORTANT*** Only use this option if you have a trailer video added.

  4. Mastermind Experts - This spot is where you can add/list the featured experts in your Mastermind. (Click below for more information).

Pricing Options

This section allows you to set-up your course as a Paid or Free Mastermind. From here, you will be able to select between Stripe or PayPal as your payment gateway of choice, to manage the payment transactions for your Mastermind.

Directory Options

This section will allow you to choose whether your Mastermind will be searchable in the Directory or not. This section also allows you to select/add a confirmation page and limit the number of people that can purchase your Mastermind.

**IMPORTANT** -- Once you are done, click the Save & Continue button to ensure your work is saved.

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