Using The Typography Preview In The Funnel & Website Builder

The Old Way: A Blind Choice

Before this update, selecting the perfect font for your website was akin to shooting in the dark. Users had to apply a font to see how it would manifest on their website. This trial-and-error method was not only time-consuming but also a test of patience. The inability to visualize a font in real-time meant extra steps and added frustration for users fine-tuning the aesthetic of their online presence.

The Game Changer: Live Typography Preview

The CRM has now integrated a live typography preview feature, eliminating the guesswork in font selection. With access to over 1500+ fonts from Google Fonts, users can now see a real-time preview of how text appears in different styles directly in the font selection dropdown menu. This is a significant upgrade from the old behavior, streamlining the design process and empowering users with immediate visual feedback.

How It Works: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here's how you can enhance your website-building experience with the CRM's live typography preview:

Dive into the Builder: Access the Builder, and you’ll find yourself in a much more intuitive interface. Everything you need is right where it should be, sleek and accessible.

Experiment with Typography: Go to the Typography settings. As you search through the extensive list of available fonts, the live preview feature will display how each font looks right then and there. There is no need to apply it first—see it in action as you browse.

Why It Matters

Why is this update more than just a cosmetic enhancement?

Efficiency: The immediate preview of fonts slashes the time spent on selecting the perfect typography, making the process faster and more efficient.

Better Decision-Making: Designers and marketers can make more informed decisions about branding and visual communication strategies.

User Experience: By reducing the steps involved in the process, the overall user experience is significantly improved, which is always a core objective in good design practices.

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