Online Store in Websites

The advent of online shopping has revolutionized how businesses operate, enabling them to reach a global audience and offer unparalleled convenience to customers. One crucial aspect of this digital transformation is the integration of online stores into websites. This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of setting up and managing an online store using the CRM’s robust features.

What Exactly is an Online Store?

An online store serves as a digital storefront where businesses can offer an array of products and services to a potentially limitless customer base. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar establishments, online stores can function round-the-clock and transcend geographical limitations.

Why an Online Store is Indispensable

Global Outreach

An online store allows you to target audiences that were previously unreachable. You're not just a local shop anymore; you're a global enterprise.

24/7 Accessibility

Your business never sleeps when you have an online store. Customers can browse and shop at any time, dramatically boosting your sales potential.


By reducing or even eliminating the need for a physical location, you can lower your overhead expenses significantly. The money saved can then be reinvested into growing your business online.

Automation for Efficiency

The CRM enables automated payment processing, inventory tracking, and order management, thereby reducing manual errors and freeing up your time for other critical business tasks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Online Store

Businesses can easily set up and tailor their online store inventory by navigating to Payments -> Products within the CRM interface. Here, you have the ability to:

Assign Product Names and Descriptions: Detail what the product is and what it does to inform potential customers.

Upload Media Assets: Attach high-quality images and videos that showcase the product in action or from multiple angles.

Set Pricing: Define the cost of the product, taking into account any discounts or package deals you may want to offer.

Configure Product Variants: If the product comes in different sizes, colors, or materials, you can specify these options here.

For an enhanced level of customization, a toggle feature is available while creating each product. This toggle allows businesses to specify which products should be visible in their online storefront.

Three Key Features for Product Presentation

To make your products more appealing and informative, the CRM offers three core functionalities:

Rich Text Descriptions: Companies can utilize rich text formatting to create dynamic, detailed product descriptions. This feature supports alignment options, bold and italic text for emphasis, as well as bullet points and tables for better organization. These descriptions will automatically populate the corresponding Product Details Page.

Multiple Media Attachments: The importance of visual representation in an online store can't be overstated. Businesses have the flexibility to attach an array of images and videos for each product, providing customers with a comprehensive visual understanding of what they're purchasing.

Product Variants: To cater to a diverse customer base with varied needs and preferences, businesses can now add variants like size, color, or material to their product configurations. Each variant can also have its customized price point.

By leveraging these functionalities, businesses can offer a rich, user-friendly experience in their online stores.

For Existing Websites

Log into your CRM account

Navigate to the Website Builder: Look for the "+" icon.

Select 'Add Online Store': A series of templates will appear for you to choose from.

For New Websites

Choose 'Create New Website': The option to include an online store will appear during the initial setup.

Five Essential Pages Added

Upon activation, the CRM automatically adds five key pages to build your online store:

Products List Page: A catalog showcasing all your offerings.

Product Details Page: For in-depth information about each product.

Cart Page: A summary page allowing customers to review their orders.

Checkout Page: Captures all necessary details for payment processing.

Thank You Page: A post-transaction page for confirming a successful purchase and offering related products or services.

Advanced Tracking and Management

Use the CRM’s analytics tools to track user behavior, sales metrics, and other KPIs. Navigate to Payments -> Orders for a detailed view of order submissions and Payments -> Transactions for tracking payments and initiating refunds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Include Recurring Products?

The CRM currently supports only one-time products for its online stores.

How Do I Handle Fulfilment?

Upon receiving an order, it will appear as 'unfulfilled' by default. You can manually mark it as fulfilled, and include tracking information for the customer.

Can I Customize Pricing for Different Variants?

Absolutely, the CRM allows flexible pricing options for different product variants.

I have created a store for test purposes. How do I delete it now?

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