How to Test Payments in a Funnel or Website

In this article we will show you how to switch your Funnel or Website into test mode. This way, you can test your products and automations associated to ensure they’re working properly.

Part 1: Putting the Funnel/Website into test mode. 

  • First, navigate to your sites, then Funnel or Website
  • Next, go to Settings
  • Then, select the toggle button to switch to testing mode

Part 2: Testing

  • Now, navigate to your live page or the preview.
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Mastercard 5555555555554444 Any 3 digits Any future date
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Mastercard (debit) 5200828282828210 Any 3 digits Any future date
Mastercard (prepaid) 5105105105105100 Any 3 digits Any future date
American Express 378282246310005 Any 4 digits Any future date
American Express 371449635398431 Any 4 digits Any future date
Discover 6011111111111117 Any 3 digits Any future date
Discover 6011000990139424 Any 3 digits Any future date
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UnionPay 6200000000000005 Any 3 digits Any future date

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