Integrating Zapier to Mastermind for your Sold Masterminds

Go to and login to your account.

Once you're logged in, click Zaps on the left side

Now, let's create a Zap!

First, we need to set the Trigger

  1. Click Make a New Zap or Create Zap

  2. Search for Mastermind then click to select

  3. Choose Sold Mastermind under Trigger Event then hit continue

  4. Click Sign In to mastermind then click Allow

  5. Choose the Mastermind course you want to collect data from.

    Note: You can select all masterminds if you want data from all masterminds or can create separate zaps for individual masterminds.

  6. Click Test Trigger and hit Continue

Next, let's set up the Action!

Zapier gives you the ability to integrate different apps to export the data from mastermind to another platform. In this example, I will be showing you how to export from mastermind to a Google Spreadsheet.

There are multiple 3rd party emailing systems that you can integrate with Zapier. This is a way to send a custom email automatically to every Opt-In. Click here to learn about Mailchimp.

  1. Choose google sheets

    ***Note:We recommend you to create a spreadsheet like the one shown below

  2. Click to access the drop down menu and select Create Spreadsheet Row then hit Continue

    Choose the account where you created the spreadsheet for your data then hit continue

  3. On the next step:

    • Select the Drive where your spreadsheet is saved
    • Select the file name of your Spreadsheet
    • Select the Worksheet for you data

  4. More options will appear below. Click on the empty fields to access the dropdown menus then select the appropriate data

  5. Now, click test and continue

  6. A banner will show saying data has been sent to the Spreadsheet that you created and you will see information added to that sheet. All you need to do now is click Turn on Zap to make it live.

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