How to obtain Australian Phone Numbers

This article will walk you through on how to add an Australian phone number, enabling you to make calls and send SMS to Australian numbers seamlessly. While there's no direct way to add an Australian phone number, creating a Regulatory Bundle/Address is the key to obtaining one. Follow the steps below to obtain your Australian phone number:

Step 1: Navigate to Settings

Firstly, access the settings of your phone number management platform. This can typically be found in the bottom-left sidebar menu.

Step 2: Access Phone Numbers Tab

Once in the settings, locate the Phone Numbers tab. This is where you'll manage all aspects related to your phone numbers, including adding new ones and managing existing ones.

Step 3: Create an Address Bundle 

In the Phone Numbers tab, find the option for Address Bundle. Click on it, and then click on the 'Create' button located at the top-right corner of the screen. Then select the ‘Address Bundle’ option.

Step 4: Fill Out Address Bundle Details

Inside the Address Bundle creation page, input the details of your business. Ensure that the information provided aligns precisely with the official documents registered for your business. This includes details such as your business name, physical address, and any other relevant information.

Step 5: Create the Regulatory Bundle

Once the Bundle Address is set up, proceed to create the Regulatory Bundle. Click on 'Create' again, but this time select the option for Regulatory Bundle. Choose Australia as the country and specify the type as Mobile. Proceed to the next step and submit the required business information. When requested to upload identifying documents, you can submit your ASIC document in all entries.

Note: When filling out the Address and Regulatory Bundles, the information MUST match exactly with the legal company documents, such as the ASIC. The information is case sensitive.

Step 6: Await Approval

After submission, it may take up to 24 hours for the Regulatory Bundle to be approved. Be patient during this process, as it is essential for ensuring compliance with local regulations.

Step 7: Add Your Australian Phone Number

Once your Regulatory Bundle is approved, return to the phone numbers section. Click on the 'Add a phone number' button located at the top-right corner of the screen. Select Australia as the country, add the appropriate area code, and choose your desired phone number from the available options. Finally, add the selected phone number to your business account.

By following these simple steps, you can successfully add an Australian phone number to your business, allowing you to better connect with customers and clients Down Under. Remember to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements throughout the process to avoid any potential issues down the line.

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