Mastermind to Mailchimp Integration thru Zapier (Creating a personalized confirmation email for your Opt-Ins)

Go to and login to your account.

Once you're logged in, click Zaps on the left side

Now, let's create a Zap!

First, we need to set the Trigger

  1. Click Make a New Zap or Create Zap

  2. Search for Mastermind then click to select

  3. Choose Sold Mastermind under Trigger Event then hit continue

  4. Click Sign In to mastermind then click Allow

  5. Choose the Mastermind course you want to collect data from

  6. Click Test Trigger and hit Continue

***Important: Before we proceed to the next step, make sure that you have created a campaign on your Mailchimp account. For more information on how to create a campaign, click here for a video tutorial from Mailchimp.

Next, let's set up the Action!

  1. Search and select Mailchimp

  2. Click to access the dropdown menu and select Send Campaign

  3. Click Sign In to Mailchimp then click Allow

  4. Choose the Mailchimp account you connected and hit continue

  5. Select the campaign you want to integrate for your Opt-Ins

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