Settings: Reputation Management

The review widget is one way to get user and customer feedback. You can collect reviews, and then show the reviews of your services. In this article, we will review the Reputation Management section of your settings. 

Access the Reputation Management

  • Go to Settings 
  • Reputation Management

Set Up your Review Link 

  • Go to the Review Link section
  • If you have GMB or Facebook integrated, you will see the review link added
  • If you don't have them, you will need to integrate first those options
  • You can also create your custom link and your customers can provide the reviews there

Review Request Behavior

  • In this section, you can select what happens when you click the review request button 
  • There are two options
  • Send review request immediately once
  • Follow a custom schedule for review requests

SMS and Email Review Requests

  • To edit your review requests widget, please go to the Reputation tab, and then to Widgets. Please, check the article we have called, "How to Create and Customize Your Review Widget". 

Send Review Link

  • At the moment, this button has been disabled. 

  • You can now send the review link from the Reputation tab menu, on the left side of your screen, and under Reviews, click Send Review Request. 

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