Pausing and Resuming Workflows

In this article, you will learn how to pause and resume this workflow. 

Workflows can be paused and resumed anytime by switching back and forth from published to draft mode. Pausing a workflow will temporarily stop the actions from firing off until it is republished.  

You may want to pause a workflow if it is malfunctioning or needs an update and you need some time to work on it. 

Option 1: Pause or Resume a Workflow from the Workflow Menu

  • You can place any published workflow into draft mode from the workflow menu to pause it by clicking on the menu dots. You can resume any workflow by publishing it again in the same way.

Option 2: Pause or Resume from the Workflow Settings

  • You can also do this from within a workflow by clicking into the workflow, toggling on and off the draft/publish toggle, and saving the flow.

Please Note: If your contact is halfway through the workflow in a wait step, only the changes below the contacts' current position will be implemented.  Once the contact goes through the remaining steps, they will be removed from it.

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