How to Get Notified When a Lead Opens an Email

In this article, you will learn how to set up your workflow to notify you when a lead opens an email.

Step 1: Create the workflow 

  • Start from scratch by navigating to Automations > Workflows, then clicking on the “+ Create a new Workflow” Button and selecting Start from scratch.

Step 2: Name the Workflow and then add the Email Events Trigger

  • Add the trigger Email Events, and add the filter Events - Opened.
  • You can also filter by workflow.

  • Save

Step 3: Add an action 

  • Click on the “+” symbol to add the action Send Internal Notification

  • Select the type of notification from the dropdown. In this example, we will be using the email type Internal Notification.

  • Fill in the details as needed. Below is an example I created using custom values.

  • Publish and save 

Step 4: Test the workflow

Note: The best way to test this workflow will be by opening the email you need your leads to open from a test email address you have created.

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