Understanding the Workflow Settings Tab

Workflow settings are the backbone of effective communication strategies in marketing automation. Their impact is immense, determining the success or failure of automation systems. Let's delve into how to harness these settings for optimal results:

1. Communication Settings:

Time Window:

Choose between 'Any Time' or 'Specific Time' to send messages. Opt for 'Specific Time' for targeted communication during peak engagement hours across different time zones.

Usage Cases:

Ensure promotional emails hit recipients during peak engagement.

Maintain consistency in sending regular updates.

Guarantee timely delivery of time-sensitive offers like flash sales.


Select 'Account Timezone' for consistent communication within a single geographical location or 'Contact Timezone' for global outreach tailored to each recipient's timezone.

Usage Cases:

Ensure communications align with business hours in a specific location.

Schedule event reminders according to participants' time zones.

Personalize messages like birthday wishes based on the recipient's timezone.

Sender Email:

Set default 'From' name and email address for emails, with the option to override for individual actions.

Usage Cases:

Enhance customer service by using a support email address.

Add a personal touch in onboarding emails with the CEO's name.

Maintain clarity in partnership or affiliate communications with specific sender email.

2. Contact Settings:

Allow Re-Entry:

Decide whether contacts can re-enter the workflow once completed or removed, allowing for recurring campaigns or updates.

Usage Cases:

Enable for annual campaigns like 'Happy Birthday' notifications.

Facilitate updates in onboarding workflows for new users.

Provide a second chance for non-engaged contacts to interact with content.

Stop on Response:

End workflow for a contact upon response to a message sent from the workflow, ensuring a personalized approach and preventing message overload.

Usage Cases:

Respect customers' time by halting feedback surveys upon response.

Tailor sales follow-ups based on leads' initial response.

Streamline supports ticket workflows by ending upon resolution.

3. Conversation Management Settings:

Mark as Read:

Automatically mark outgoing automated messages as read, maintaining a clutter-free conversation tab.

Usage Cases:

Keep onboarding sequences organized with marked-as-read messages.

Manage high-volume campaigns with reduced unread messages.

Ensure periodic reminders don't clutter the conversation tab.


Can I use different settings for different workflows?

Yes, each workflow can have unique settings based on specific needs.

What if I choose the wrong settings?

Settings can be updated anytime, affecting new entries into the workflow.

Is there a best practice for setting the Time Window?

It depends on your audience, campaign, and goals, but generally send communications when your audience is most active.

Exciting CRM Updates:

The CRM introduces enhanced UI components for a smoother user experience:

Upgraded Settings Page with grouped sections and a Custom Variable Picker.

Execution Logs page now aligned with the enhanced UI.

Revamped Top Bar and Action Bar for consistency and efficiency, including active user avatars and version history feature.

These updates aim to provide users with a more user-friendly and efficient experience, empowering them to manage workflows with ease and precision!

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