How To Mark Appointment Status as Invalid Using a Workflow

You can update an appointment status based on tags, which may be useful for your business and any automations you are running. Here's a recommended best-practice for updating appointment statuses based on tags within a Workflow, specifically related to the Invalid Status.

Part 1: Set up a tag for invalid Appointments.

  • Go to Settings > Tags
  • Create a tag called "Invalid Appointment".

Part 2: Create a tag-based trigger in Workflows.

  • Navigate to Automations, and add a new Workflow.
  • Add a new Trigger named "Contact Tag" and choose the filter “Tag Added” and then select the "Invalid Appointment" tag you created

  • Step 3: For the action, add “Update Appointment Status” and select “Invalid” as the status

  • Step 3: In the top right-hand corner, make the workflow active and save it.

Part 3: Using the Tag and Trigger

Step 1: When you have a contact with an invalid appointment, add the "Invalid Appointment" tag, and the workflow will run, updating their appointment status to "Invalid".

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