Loop Lockouts

Sometimes you may have a loop created in accidentally when two actions are set to feed into one another or feed back into itself repeatedly. This creates an infinite loop of actions which can slow down and create issues. Most of the time this is something done unintentionally, so now we have enabled to catch this and enable a Loop Lock to prevent the issue from occurring.


Campaigns, Triggers, and Workflows will automatically be “Loop Locked” when they reach 50 starts/action executions for the same contact in less than 30 minutes. For example, if you have one contact record added to the same Campaign or Workflow 50 times in 29 minutes, the Loop Lock will be automatically enabled. You’ll see an error code that looks something like this at the top of your screen:

Troubleshooting Guide for Loop Lock:

Identify the Source of the Loop:

Navigate to the workflow.

Access execution logs to determine the trigger causing the loop.

Examine the details of the 'Add to workflow' execution to pinpoint the source of the loop.

Resolving the Issue:

  • Once the trigger/source causing the loop is identified, take corrective action to prevent recurrence.
  • Remove the source or rectify the trigger to eliminate the loop.

Implement Corrective Measures:

  • After addressing the trigger/source issue, consider cloning the workflow or creating a new one with identical details.
  • If the problem persists despite corrective actions, seek assistance from support channels.

By following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve loop lock issues in your workflow.

Please take a look at our article on Race Conditions in Workflows (Unexpected Behavior) as it’s a related topic

How to get your locked workflow/campaign unlocked?

If you receive a Loop error, contact Support and we can review the Campaign, Trigger, or Workflow to assist you with unlocking it and resolving the Loop.

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