Workflow Action: Send Internal Notification

In this article, you will learn how to send an internal notification, select who receives the notification, and an example if they scheduled an appointment

Step 1: Create your workflow

Step 2: Add your Trigger

Step 3: Add your action

  • Start by selecting the “+” button
  • From the options, select the “Send Internal Notification” action
  • Once selected you will have the option to choose the type of notification you want. (Email, Notification, and SMS)

Note: In this example, we will be selecting the Notification option to receive an update when a task has been added to a contact.

  • Give a title to the notification action. 

Note: You can also use the contact’s custom values by clicking on the tag icon, however, this is optional. If you are going to use the custom values we recommend adding a 2-5 minute wait step before the internal notification step. 

Under the Message Section, you will see the option to write any type of custom message. You can also use the custom values for your message if you’d like. 

In the Redirect Page: This is where it redirects you once you click on the notification this option is not available for SMS or Email

Typically we recommend the Contact or Conversation 

8. Now select the “To User Type

  • Please Note: If you select “Particular User” you will have another option under “Pick A User” 
    • This is where you can select/search for  a specific user

Please Note: You can select multiple users in Internal Notifications for Email/SMS notifications and need not create multiple actions to select different users. This would be with the Particular user type (see below)

9. Once complete, Please make sure you click the “Save Action” button

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