Workflow Action: Facebook - Conversion API

If you're actively managing Facebook ads, leveraging the Facebook Conversions API through the CRM's Workflow feature is a strategic move to enhance your ad performance analysis. Traditional reliance on Facebook Pixel for metrics like conversion rates, cost per lead, and cost per sale has become less reliable due to privacy updates such as Apple's iOS 14, which requires user consent for tracking — with many opting out.

The CRM's integration with Facebook Conversions API Triggers and Workflow sidesteps these issues by directly sending conversion data to Facebook, eliminating the need for contact cookies and thereby yielding more accurate reporting data.

Step 1: Pixel Setup

  • Navigate to the Conversions API section and initiate the setup by clicking "Get Started."

  • Select an industry that closely aligns with your clientele from the dropdown menu and specify the types of data you intend to send via the API.

  • In the Event Detail Parameters, ensure the Event Source URL is checked.
  • For Customer Parameters, choose data points to send back from the CRM, including:
    • Client IP address and user agent (without hashing)
    • Email Address
    • Click ID (fbc) and Browser ID (fbp) cookies (without hashing)
    • First Name and Last Name

  • Apply these parameter selections across all chosen events, such as "Find Location" or "Add to Cart."

Review your setup, confirm the details, and finalize the pixel creation.

Step 2: Crafting the Workflow

  • The workflow must start with one of four specific triggers to properly utilize the Conversions API: Form Submitted, Survey Submitted, Two-Step Order, or Appointment triggers.
  • Upon selecting a trigger, add a new action for the Facebook Conversion API within the workflow.

Note: If your Facebook account isn't linked yet, please, make the integration. Check the article called, “ How To Integrate Your Facebook Account”.

  • For the action, you'll need to return to the Pixel settings to generate and copy an Access Token, then copy the Pixel ID, ensuring that custom values are compatible in these fields.

  • Define the event name, its value, and the currency for accurate tracking.
  • For testing purposes, the Facebook Pixel Test Code can be obtained from the Settings and inserted into the "Test Code" field within the workflow. It's important to note that to test the workflow, an actual event trigger is required since the "Test Workflow" button does not simulate the Facebook Conversions API actions.
  • Verify the "Test Events" section in your Facebook Business Manager to ensure the domain is authorized under "Domains in your Allow List."

After adding the event to the Workflow, transition the Workflow status from Draft to Published and confirm your changes.

Additional Insights and Updates

The CRM's Facebook Conversions API integration brings unparalleled accuracy to conversion data, circumventing limitations posed by traditional pixel tracking methods. With upcoming updates and current features, the CRM offers comprehensive solutions, including troubleshooting for common setup issues and the ability to test workflows effectively.

Remember, the CRM's direct integration with the Facebook Conversions API is a pioneering step among major platforms, providing users with a competitive edge in digital marketing and ad tracking efficiency.

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