Appointment Reporting

The Reporting Tab includes a specific report on your appointments. Using various available filters, you can view the status of appointments, compare the booking channel and source, and export the data if you need a spreadsheet/list of the information. Follow these simple steps to learn how:

Step 1: Accessing The Report

  • Navigate to the Reporting Tab
  • Choose “Appointment Report”
  • Select your desired filters for a specific calendar,  appointment created on/booked for, and timeframe.

  • Click “Apply” to show the specific data you’ve chosen.

Step 2: Viewing The Report Data

  • In the top row you’ll see boxes for Booked, Confirmed, Showed, No Show, and Canceled appointments.

Note: You can see in the Canceled box the up and down arrows. Click on them and you can also see the numbers for the status Invalid and New.

  • In the 2nd row, you can view the pie charts for the booking channel, the appointment source, and outcomes.

  • The 3rd row provides a list view of your appointments.
    • You can select a specific status from the dropdown menu to view only those appointments.
    • Clicking “Columns” will allow you to change the display.
    • The “Export” button will allow you to export a list of the data.

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