Picture in Picture Mode for Funnels and Websites


The PiP mode is an innovative addition to the CRM's new funnel/website builder. It allows a hosted video to continue playing in a miniaturized view as the user scrolls down the page. The video elegantly minimizes to a small window positioned in the bottom right corner of the browser, providing a continuous viewing experience without interrupting the user's navigation through the site.

How Does it Work?

Upon enabling this feature, whenever a user watches a video and scrolls past it, the video automatically transitions into PiP mode. This creates a floating video window that follows the user as they continue to explore the page. It eliminates the need for manual activation of PiP mode, offering a seamless and engaging user experience.

How to Use?

To take advantage of this feature, follow these simple steps:

Add a Video Element:

Select the section where you wish to add your video.

Select Hosted Video:

Once the video element is placed, click on it to access the settings.

Toggle PiP Mode on Scroll:

Look for the 'Playback Controls' settings within the video options.

Toggle the option that says "Enable PiP mode on scroll."

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