Using a Query String in Trigger Links

Query Strings in URLs

Query strings serve as powerful tools for transferring data within URLs, offering a streamlined means to convey information across web applications and platforms. Leveraging query strings facilitates the transmission of data within a URL and enables seamless information exchange during redirects, such as in forms.

Utilizing Query Strings in Trigger Links to Streamline Form Data Transmission

Employing query strings within trigger links streamlines the process of passing essential information to forms efficiently. To integrate query strings effectively, follow these straightforward steps:

Navigate to the Appropriate Form: Begin by accessing the desired form within the sites tab, under forms.

Select Fields for Data Transfer: Identify the fields whose information you intend to pass. Click on each field to access the Query String option within the right-side menu. Repeat this step for all pertinent fields. Eg, for the contact’s first name:

.Retrieve Form URL: Proceed to click on the "Integrate" button located at the top of the form interface to acquire the form's URL.

Incorporate Trigger Links: Head to the Marketing tab, then select Trigger Links to create a new one. Paste the previously obtained form URL into the designated area.

.Configure Query String Parameters: Customize the trigger link by appending query string parameters for each field to the form’s link. For instance, to pass the contact's first name, incorporate the query string retrieved from the form followed by the desired value to the end of the form’s link in the trigger link. Syntax: ?first_name={{contact.first_name}}. To include additional fields, use the '&' symbol to separate each parameter, maintaining the same syntax.

Complete Configuration: Finalize the trigger link setup by accurately including query string parameters for all desired fields. eg. If you want to pass the last name field as well, you will need to add & and follow the same syntax

Streamlining Data Transmission with a Simple Syntax

Adhering to a straightforward syntax ensures the seamless integration of query strings within URLs. Follow these guidelines to incorporate query strings effectively:

  • Initiate with '?': Commence the query string by adding a '?' symbol at the end of the URL link.
  • Specify Parameters: Paste the query string obtained from the form's field, followed by the '=' symbol and the custom value of the field.
  • Multiple Parameters: For passing multiple fields, use the '&' symbol instead of the ‘?’ symbol, to separate each parameter, maintaining the prescribed syntax.

By using query strings, you can make navigating the web a whole lot easier and faster, especially when it comes to filling out forms.

Note: Query String will pass the information of only existing contacts, if you’re sending the trigger link to a client whose contact is not created in your account, it will not pass any information. It fetches information from the existing contacts.

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