Locating Books,Journals, Podcast & Health


To begin, ensure that you are logged into your Mastermind.com account and are viewing your main dashboard.

From here, look to the left-hand side of your screen and click on the "Extras" tab. Then click on the "Books" options:

Once inside of the "Books" tab, you can view and purchase Dean's Millionaire Success Habits book, or you can scroll through and view other great reading recommendations!

From here, look to the left-hand side of your screen and click on the "Extras" tab. Then click on the "Journals" options:

Once inside, you can view and browse through Dean's Better Life Journals, and also a few other options:


From here, look to the left-hand side of your screen and click on the "Extras" tab. Then click on the "Podcasts" options:

Once inside, you can view and browse through Dean & Tony' Podcasts along with many other recommendations:


From here, look to the left-hand side of your screen and click on the "Extras" tab. Then click on the "Health" options:

Once inside, you can view and browse through our daily 'Must-Haves':

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