How to Transfer Your Domain from Squarespace to Your Mastermind Business Hub Account

Introduction: This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of transferring a domain purchased on Squarespace to your Mastermind Business Hub account. Using the example domain "," we’ll demonstrate how to properly change the DNS and domain settings, connect the domain to a funnel or website template, and test the setup to ensure everything is linked correctly.

Step 1: Log into Both Accounts

  1. Open Your Web Browser:
    • Start by launching your preferred web browser.
  2. Log in to Your Mastermind Business Hub Account:
    • Navigate to the Mastermind website and enter your login credentials to access your Business Hub account.
  3. Log in to Your Squarespace Account:
    • Open a new tab or window and go to Squarespace.
    • Enter your credentials to access your Squarespace account.
  4. Tip: Having both your Mastermind Business Hub and Squarespace accounts open will make the domain connection process smoother.

Step 2: Prepare Your Funnel or Website in Business Hub

  1. Access the Funnels and Pages Section:
    • In your Mastermind Business Hub account, find the “Funnels and Pages” section in the navigation menu.

  1. Ensure You Have a Funnel or Website Ready:
    • If You Already Have a Funnel/Website:
      • Confirm it is fully set up and ready for domain connection.
    • If You Do Not Have One:
      • You can create a new funnel or website.

Step 3: Connect Your Domain from Squarespace to the Business Hub

  1. Access Domain Settings in Business Hub:
    • Go to your funnel or website settings in the Mastermind Business Hub.
    • Navigate to the Domains section.
  2. Add a New Domain:
    • If you already have domains loaded in your account, they will appear here. If not, the list will be blank.
    • Click Add to begin the process of linking your new domain.
  3. Copy and Paste the Domain from Squarespace:
    • In your Squarespace account, locate the domain "" (or your own domain).
    • Copy the domain name.
    • Return to your Mastermind Business Hub and paste the domain into the appropriate field.
    • Click Continue.
  4. Update DNS Settings:
    • The system will search the internet and locate the necessary DNS records.
    • In Squarespace, go to the DNS Settings by clicking on your domain.
    • Delete any existing records that could interfere with the new setup.
    • Click Add Record to begin entering the new DNS information.
  5. Enter the DNS Records:
    • A Record:
      • Record Type: A
      • Host: @
      • Points to: (Enter the IP address provided by Mastermind)
    • CNAME Record:
      • Record Type: CNAME
      • Host: www
      • Points to: (Enter the URL provided by Mastermind)
    • Ensure you copy and paste these details directly to avoid errors.

  1. Save the DNS Settings:
    • Once all records are entered correctly, click Save.
    • Verify that the settings are saved and that there are no mistakes.
  2. Set the Default Page:
    • Return to your domain settings in Mastermind.
    • Click on the three dots next to each domain and select Edit.
    • Choose the Default Page to link to the Strategic Coach Template.
    • Set this to the homepage or any other desired page (e.g., thank you page, 404 page).
    • Click Save to finalize.

Step 4: Test Your Domain Connection

  1. Check Your Domain:
  2. Verify the Connection:
    • The domain should now direct you to the funnel or website you set up in Mastermind Business Hub.
    • If the page loads correctly, the domain transfer was successful.

  1. Troubleshooting (if needed):
    • If the domain isn’t directing correctly, double-check the DNS settings in Squarespace.
    • Ensure the CNAME and A records are accurate and correctly configured.
    • Allow some time for DNS propagation, which can take up to 48 hours.

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