4. Customer Communications

A good client is a happy client. Providing your customers with the service you promise is a good start, but it is not enough by itself. You must also communicate with clients and be responsive. Being proactive with your clients can tell you a lot about their experience. When you consistently ask your customers about their experience, it can help you improve your product and service.

Once a customer has purchased you need to provide them with a means to communicate with you if there are any problems with your product or service. No one will understand your product and service better than you. Consequently, MasterMind is not in the best situation to always help your clients. That responsibility is yours.

You should at minimum always have an email address and telephone number in which the customer may communicate with you listed on your offer. This way you will better be able to service the customer’s needs, especially if they have questions about your service. MasterMind is there if there are technical problems with the service related to the hosting website but is not a great resource for customers who have specific questions about your training. It’s always a good rule of thumb to communicate with your clients. Make it easy for customers to start a conversation.

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